Childhood vaccinations are a hot topic as many states are looking to mandate vaccinations without philosophical or religious exemptions.

The vaccinated are fearful of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are fearful that the whole truth about vaccines and the potential harm to their children have not been fully disclosed.
The Peterson Clinic physicians are not anti vaccine, but we do support informed consent and an individual approach to childhood vaccinations.
Peterson Clinic recommends a common sense approach.
Dr Paul Thomas, MD, an integrative pediatrician practicing in Beaverton, OR has written a book “ The Vaccine Friendly Plan”. Dr Paul recommends vaccination based on risks: family history of auto immune disease, autism, MTHF mutations to name a few.
Dr Paul examined the records of 3,345 children born into his practice. The Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD) risk in USA is 1:45 births. In Dr Paul’s practice, following selective vaccinations it is 1:440.