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Chart & Stethoscope

Internal/Integrative Medicine

Our practice is based on treating the whole person. Our physicians do not practice a recipe based treatment approach: If you have this then you take this. We prefer the individualized form of care that takes into account the many factors that influence our health.

Some patients seek our care for specific problems, for example diabetes, other patients ask us to be their primary care physician. Whether it is an infection, a specific health problem or annual physical we are here to help.

What qualifies our physicians to treat these serious problems?

Dr Kris Peterson is a board certified Chiropractic Internist with fellowship training in integrative cancer therapy.

Dr Anton Alder is a highly trained Naturopathic Physician with extensive training in internal medicine disorders and family practice

The following is a list of  Internal Disorders: that are successfully treated:​


  • Diabetes and blood sugar disorders including pre diabetes and hypoglycemia.


  • Gastrointestinal Disorders: IBS, Gastritis, ulcers, Gallbladder, Liver disorders including fatty liver disease.


  • Sleep Disorders: diagnosis and management of apnea, insomnia


  • Osteoporosis and Osteopenia: A non drug approach to restore and maintain bone density.


  • Hormonal Disorders: Thyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas


  • Lung Problems: Asthma, Bronchitis, COPD, Pulmonary Fibrosis


  • Men’s Health: Prostate problems, erectile dysfunction. Low libido, frequent urination


  • Women’s Health: PCOS, painful periods, tender breasts, endometriosis, lack of periods, fertility support, pregnancy support.


  • Auto Immune Conditions: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Inflammatory Bowel Disease


  • Joints– Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Juvenile RA,


  • Skin Conditions: Psoriasis, Eczema,


  • Cardiovascular Disease: Arteriosclerosis, PAD and Stroke

  • ​

  • Rhythm Disorders: A Fib, A Flutter, SVT, PAC, PVC


This is a sample list even if you can't find your condition we can still help you!

Diagnosis and Management

In addition to the physical exam and history a variety of diagnostic procedures may be needed:

Blood work

Blood work is an amazing tool to not only evaluate but to follow changes that occur with lifestyle and nutritional support.

Urine Analysis

Urine specimens provides information on a variety of bodily functions. 

The most common use is an Urinalysis for detection of infection and kidney/bladder health. 

24 hour urine specimens we use in our kidney stone management program. Balancing the chemistry can reduce kidney stone recurrence by 95%.

Urinary Organic Acids evaluates the metabolism and energy production. We often use this to evaluate neurotransmitter ( eg serotonin, dopamine) breakdown. 

Mold Toxin testing. An convenient and accurate approach to finding mold exposure. 


Stool Analysis

Infection, inflammation, digestive function and the microbiome are evalauted. The microbiome ( the organisms that live in the gut) have been associated with health and disease.

Hormonal Analysis: Saliva, Urine or Blood

There are a variety of ways to check hormonal levels.  Different fluids are used depending on what hormone or function we checking on. For example, to evaluate adrenal function, our preferred test is the salivary cortisol checked at 4 different times during the day.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

This procedure helps to identify chest pain and differentiate as to whether or not it is due to the actual heart or the chest wall. It is also used to evaluate electrical conduction problems, such as rhythm disorders.

Pulmonary Function Testing

This test checks for lung capacity and resistance or obstruction in breathing. Commonly used to diagnose asthma and COPD.

Ankle Brachial Index

ABI is used to diagnosis Peripheral Artery Disease. This procedure is performed in the office.

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging

Is a non-painful, physiological, evaluation of skin temperature variations. These variations are due to changes in blood vessel and autonomic
nervous system function. DITI is used as a screening imaging for breast problems including early detection of temperature changes that can be associated with breast cancer.

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) DEXA scans

Checks for strength of bones and risk of fracture. Osteoporosis increases the risk of fracture. Our OP program increases bone density without drugs!

Ultra Sounds

for abdomen/liver/gall bladder/ pelvic organs/thyroid, carotid arteries


Diagnosis of structural problems in the heart and diagnosing congestive heart failure.

CT Coronary Calcium Scorin

CT CCS: Dr Kris began using CT CCS in the 1990’s. Several local imaging facilities are now offering this non-invasive imaging procedure. The CCS results are the most accurate way of predicting your risk of dying of a heart attack in the next 12 years. Knowing your risk will help us provide you with the care needed to decrease the risk. Dr Kris has lectured at national symposiums on diagnosing and caring for vascular disease.

Home Sleep Apnea Screening

At home screening for sleep disorders.

Integrative Cancer Therapy

Cancer is a complex life threatening disease. Science has made progress in the early diagnosis of many cancers and new treatments are being introduced. What has been lacking is addressing the whole person going through the process of treating cancer. Patients need evidence-based information on the best decision to care for their cancer and support while undergoing surgery, radiation and or chemotherapy.
Because of the patient need for evidence-based information to make informed decisions, Dr Kris completed a two year Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy. This comprehensive program is designed to help support the patient’s body, decrease the side effects of radiation/chemotherapy and reduce the risk of reoccurrence.
Integrative care means we can chose the best of all possible options to improve the outcome, which is quality and quantity of life.

(541) 567-6277

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