Our physicians, Chiropractic and Naturopathic, have extensive training in examining, diagnosing and treating injuries, aches and pains. If the complaint is related to an auto accident, an athletic injury, yard work, a chronic condition or simply awoke with pain, we can find the problem and start the healing process. Dr Trent is extensively trained in treating athletic injuries and increasing athletic performance. Dr Trent is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician.
The following is a list of common problems that are successfully treated:
Cervical and Lumbar disc herniation
Whiplash and lifting injuries
Arm and Leg pain
Extremity injuries: hip/knee/ankle and shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand
Pulled muscles
Weakness and Numbness Pain in back and neck
This is a sample list even if you can't find your condition we can still help you!
We select our techniques depending on the type of problem(s) you have. These techniques include the following: